Jungmichel, We are a small company specialized in design, production and selling electronic sensors and controllers mainly for the can making, canning and metal sheet working industry over 30 years now. Our products are proofed worldwide in all 5 continents by many canmakers / canners as well as by well known OEMs that produce machinery for this industry. Our web- site shows only a fraction of our products. Please load down our catalogs for more information. We have also made some special sensor solutions for some other industries. If you do not find here what you are looking for please give us a message.
Jungmichel官网: jungmichel.de 原产地: 德国 品牌全称: Jungmichel Industrieelektronik GmbH. Jungmichel产品: 传感器、电路板、信号放大器 应用领域: 制造、罐装和金属板材,工业,机械您如果需要Jungmichel的产品,请点击右侧的联系方式联系我们,期待您的来电