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PTC Instruments公司简介
PTC Instruments, A division of Pacific Transducer Corp the leading manufacturer of Durometers and Surface Thermometers in the world.Our factory and calibration lab is located in Los Angeles, California where PTC® has been manufacturing quality test instruments since 1946. We are Accredited by A2LA to ISO/IEC/17025 ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 Certificate number 1896.01To send your instruments for calibration and/or written certification, please click the following link and fill out the RMA (Return Materials Authorization) form.
PTC Instruments官网: ptc1.com 原产地: 美国 品牌全称: PTC® Instruments PTC Instruments产品: 传感器、测试仪、温度计、压力计 应用领域: 勘测、工业、能源、工程、建设、电力、水利