

About HEIMANN Facts HEIMANN Sensor GmbH is an established manufacturer of high quality infrared thermopiles, thermopile modules and pyroelectric sensors for remote temperature measurement and gas analysis. Other products are vacuum sensors or pressure sensors and we offer full service for silicon bulk and surface micromachining (MEMS) products. We are a DIN EN ISO 9001 and ISO 14000 certified company. HEIMANN focuses on the development, manufacturing and marketing of infrared sensors for non- contact temperature measurement and gas concentration measurement. History The company HEIMANN Sensor GmbH was founded early 2002 with five employees having alltogether about 100 years of infrared experience. The headquarter of the company is Dresden with a dependent branch in Eltville. In the first fiscal year the smallest thermopile chips of the world was developped and transferred to pilot production. Later production of smallest thermopile chips of the world and smallest sensor modules of the world started. Today HEIMANN Sensor is technology leader in infrared sensors for contactless temperature measurement and gas detection. Currently HEIMANN Sensor is a worldwide acting company with 60 employees, international sales offices in 4 continents and assembly lines in Asia.

HEIMANN官网: heimannsensor.com 原产地: 德国 品牌全称: Heimann Sensor GmbH HEIMANN产品: 传感器、变送器、执行器、仪器仪表、电子元器件、集成电路 应用领域: 工业;电信;医疗; 测量;交通;汽车;制造

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