- 附送:增值税发票
- 配送:全国(通过快递公司或邮政EMS寄送,全国可达,包邮)
- 备注:
BELUK is one of the leading manufacturers in the area of power factor control relays. Our experience in this technologically complicated special field dates back to 1956. And our customers have also profited from our forward-looking concepts in the construction of switchgear for more than 30 years.
BELUK官网: beluk.de 原产地: 德国 品牌全称: BELUK GmbH 主要产品: BELUK继电器、BELUK控制器 BELUK产品: 继电器、控制器、开关、静态接触皮带、功率分析仪 应用领域: 机械,设备制造