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GK Heller公司简介
GK Heller, Synchronics Electronics Pvt. Ltd. was established in 1992, a venture by Mr. S.R.Purandare who had broad vision of this Industry and since then Company has kept on expanding and today Synchronics Electronics Pvt. Ltd. is a Leading repair service center in the country.Synchronics has grown substantially over the decade. Our Repair service area has state-of-the-art Testing Laboratory / Workbench. We have extensive data of electronic instruments with a huge Data Bank of component data sheets.
GK Heller官网: synchronics.co.in 原产地: 印度 品牌全称: Synchronics Electronics Pvt. Ltd. GK Heller产品: 变频器、直流驱动器、交流驱动器、直流驱动器、PLC、DCS卡、分析仪、电源 应用领域: 能源、政府、交通、电子、机械、医疗、电力